

【画像】1900年頃のアメリカの街並みが既に凄い ニューヨーク、シアトル、デトロイト、ボストン…


1: リバースネックブリーカー(香港)@\(^o^)/ 2016/08/14(日) 11:35:34.30 ID:aB8bi+BN0 BE:288582569-PLT(13401) ポイント特典
Streetcars in New York and shoppers on a Seattle sidewalk: Fascinating colour postcards reveal daily life in America in the 1900s


Old and new: Streetcars snake through Herald Square, New York in this postcard from 1904.
The first signs of the future are evident in the skyline which is starting to shoot up but remnants of the past are also visible in the use of horse and cart

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Shoppers jostle along a busy sidewalk and early automobiles career down First Avenue, Seattle, in this 1904 postcard

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Popular holiday hotspot: Sunday revellers carouse along the boardwalk in Atlantic City at the turn of the century

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